Personal & Professional Learning

We enable personal enrichment and professional development.

CES2-9071Dynamic Fit Mix: A Variety Workout

Course Description

Enjoy this fun and uplifting class working out with different types of fitness equipment and routines each time class meets, while toning your entire body top to bottom with cardiovascular benefits. A wide variety of equipment will be used, provided at class. Improve your strength/balance and flexibility with the rewards of total well-being. Work out at your own pace. See results! Bring a mat & water bottle.

Course Schedule

Fall - 2024

Course Title:Dynamic Fit Mix: A Variety Workout
Meeting Info:09/10/2024 - 12/03/2024 LEC Tuesday Thursday 08:00 AM-09:00 AM, Room PE 140. 12 Wks
No class 11/28
Meeting Dates:09/10/24 - 12/03/24
Instructors:Z. Prymak-AHF
Fee/Senior Cost Fee:$135.00/ SA$67.50


** book required

* book and USB required

+ USB required

< required for Certificate of Photography