Personal & Professional Learning

We enable personal enrichment and professional development.

CES-9930WERQ® Dance. Fitness. Workout.

Course Description

WERQ® redefines dance fitness! Build cardiovascular endurance and strengthen your heart dancing to today's hottest top 40 pop, rock and hip hop music. Warm-up with a preview of the dance steps used in class and cool down with balance and yoga inspired poses taught by a WERQ® certified fitness instructor, for a fiercely fun dance fitness workout. No dance experience is necessary.

Course Schedule

Fall - 2024

Course Title:WERQ® Dance. Fitness. Workout.
Meeting Info:09/11/2024 - 12/04/2024 LEC Wednesday 05:00 PM-06:00 PM, Room PE 140. 12 Wks
No class 11/27
Meeting Dates:09/11/24 - 12/04/24
Instructors:J. Falasco
Fee/Senior Cost Fee:$95.00/ SA$47.50


** book required

* book and USB required

+ USB required

< required for Certificate of Photography