Personal & Professional Learning

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CES-9438Get Fit & Stay Fit: Low Impact Aerobics

Course Description

Set your own pace in variations of low impact aerobics, strength training, and sculpting designed for moderate level exercisers. Incorporate stability balls, exertubes, dyna-bands, and hand weights into your fitness routine. Cool down with a relaxing segment of yoga type stretches. Class format may vary. Bring a mat, towel, and water bottle to class.

Course Schedule

Fall - 2024

Course Title:Get Fit & Stay Fit: Low Impact Aerobics
Meeting Info:09/09/2024 - 12/04/2024 LEC Monday Wednesday Friday 09:00 AM-10:00 AM, Room PE 140. 12 Wks
No class 11/27, 11/29
Meeting Dates:09/09/24 - 12/04/24
Instructors:K. Carzon - AHF
Fee/Senior Cost Fee:$145.00/ SA$72.50


** book required

* book and USB required

+ USB required

< required for Certificate of Photography