Personal & Professional Learning

We enable personal enrichment and professional development.

CES-9989Dance Yourself Fit

Course Description

Complete a workout to tone your muscles and dance your way to being fit while learning popular dances like Salsa, Cha-Cha, Rumba, Samba, Disco, Bachata, Shuffle, Hustle, Swing, Bolero and more. Dance with and without a partner, in a group, and in a line. Instructor is international award-winning dancer and "Dancing with the Stars" choreographer, Elena Semenov. Dance selection determined at the first lesson. Couples and singles are welcome.

Course Schedule

Winter - 2025

Course Title:Dance Yourself Fit
Meeting Info:01/24/2025 - 02/28/2025 LEC Friday 05:00 PM-06:00 PM, Room PE 140. 6 Wks
Meeting Dates:01/24/25 - 02/28/25
Instructors:E. Semenov
Fee/Senior Cost Fee:$75.00/ SA$37.50


** book required

* book and USB required

+ USB required

< required for Certificate of Photography