Personal & Professional Learning

We enable personal enrichment and professional development.

CES-7570Visionary Companions: Leader Dogs in the Blindness Community

Course Description

Explore the important role Leader Dogs play in the blindness community. A representative from Leader Dogs for the Blind will discuss the challenges faced by blind individuals and how Leader Dogs can empower those affected by visual impairment. Learn about the lifecycle of a Leader Dog, from training to placement, and the rigorous standards upheld to ensure each dog serves as a reliable companion and guide. Light refreshments served.

Course Schedule

Fall - 2024

Course Title:Visionary Companions: Leader Dogs in the Blindness Community
Meeting Info:09/27/2024 LEC Friday 01:00 PM-03:00 PM, Room W 210A. 09/27/2024 LEC Friday 01:00 PM-03:00 PM, Room W 210B. 09/27/2024 LEC Friday 01:00 PM-03:00 PM, Room W 210C. 1 Week
Meeting Dates:09/27/24 - 09/27/24
Instructors:L. Hoskins
Fee/Senior Cost Fee:$20.00/ SA$16.00


** book required

* book and USB required

+ USB required

< required for Certificate of Photography