Personal & Professional Learning

We enable personal enrichment and professional development.

CES-7399The Great Debate: Grades 5 & 6

Course Description

Do you often try to convince your friends that a certain sports team, flavor of ice cream or video game is THE best? Your friends may disagree with you, and you have to use specific examples to help defend your position. Learning how to debate means learning how to persuade someone into your way of thinking and influence future decision-making. If you want to know what it's like to possess the power of persuasion, join us for an exciting week of word wars and rebuttals. I challenge you! Bring a bag lunch to camp each day.

Course Schedule

Spring & Summer - 2025

Course Title:The Great Debate: Grades 5 & 6
Meeting Info:07/28/2025 - 08/01/2025 LEC Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 09:00 AM-03:00 PM, Room LA 360. 1 Week
Meeting Dates:07/28/25 - 08/01/25
Instructors:N. Gordon-Hines
Fee/Senior Cost Fee:$259.00/ SA$259.00


** book required

* book and USB required

+ USB required

< required for Certificate of Photography