Personal & Professional Learning

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CES-4370A Journey with Alzheimer's - Dementia Care Certificate

Course Description

Observe Lee Gorewitz on her journey through her Alzheimer's & Dementia care unit in the critically acclaimed film, "You're Looking at Me Like I Live Here, and I Don't." Gain a greater understanding of the emotional highs and lows, confusion, and behavioral and cognitive changes that accompany a diagnosis of Alzheimer's or related dementia. This class is an elective to complete the certificate. This educational activity is provided by Schoolcraft College, an approved continuing education provider under the Michigan Board of Nursing Administrative Rule R338.10602(g). Each two-hour Dementia Care class is approved for two continuing education contact hours for nurses by Schoolcraft College, two continuing education contact hours for social workers by the Michigan Social Work Continuing Education Collaborative and 0.2 CEUs for all others.

Course Schedule

Winter - 2025

Course Title:A Journey with Alzheimer's - Dementia Care Certificate
Meeting Info:04/12/2025 LEC Saturday 10:30 AM-12:30 PM, Room JC 122. 04/12/2025 LEC Saturday 10:30 AM-12:30 PM, Room WEB. 1 Week
This class is Hy-Flex. Attend in person or via Zoom.
Meeting Dates:04/12/25 - 04/12/25
Instructors:Alzheimer's Association
Fee/Senior Cost Fee:$45.00/ SA$36.00


** book required

* book and USB required

+ USB required

< required for Certificate of Photography