Biology: Spring 2025
No of Weeks: 7
Status and Seats Available as of 03/18/2025, 05:19:56 AM
Begins: Monday, May 5, 2025
Description | Details |
Course: | 101 |
Section: | 126841 |
Course Title: | General Biology |
Seat Available/Capacity/Waitlist: | 24/24/0 |
Status: | Open |
Instructors: | Greiner-Hallman H |
Location: | HYBMC |
Credit Hours: | 4 |
Fee: | $477.00 |
Days-Time-Room: | M W 01:00 PM-04:54 PM F270 |
Course: | 101 |
Section: | 126842 |
Course Title: | General Biology |
Seat Available/Capacity/Waitlist: | 24/24/0 |
Status: | Open |
Instructors: | Gury M |
Location: | HYBMC |
Credit Hours: | 4 |
Fee: | $477.00 |
Days-Time-Room: | T R 01:00 PM-04:54 PM F270 |
Course: | 236 |
Section: | 126822 |
Course Title: | Human Anatomy & Physiology |
Seat Available/Capacity/Waitlist: | 24/24/0 |
Status: | Open |
Instructors: | Gray S |
Location: | HYBMC |
Credit Hours: | 5 |
Fee: | $333.00 |
Days-Time-Room: | T R 08:00 AM-11:54 AM BTC380 |
Course: | 236 |
Section: | 126824 |
Course Title: | Human Anatomy & Physiology |
Seat Available/Capacity/Waitlist: | 24/24/0 |
Status: | Open |
Instructors: | Butkevich N |
Location: | HYBMC |
Credit Hours: | 5 |
Fee: | $333.00 |
Days-Time-Room: | T R 12:30 PM-04:24 PM BTC380 |
Course: | 236 |
Section: | 126825 |
Course Title: | Human Anatomy & Physiology |
Seat Available/Capacity/Waitlist: | 24/24/0 |
Status: | Open |
Instructors: | Gray S |
Location: | HYBMC |
Credit Hours: | 5 |
Fee: | $333.00 |
Days-Time-Room: | M W 08:00 AM-11:54 AM BTC380 |
Course: | 236 |
Section: | 126826 |
Course Title: | Human Anatomy & Physiology |
Seat Available/Capacity/Waitlist: | 24/24/0 |
Status: | Open |
Instructors: | Ismail N |
Location: | HYBMC |
Credit Hours: | 5 |
Fee: | $333.00 |
Days-Time-Room: | M W 12:30 PM-04:24 PM BTC380 |
Course: | 236 |
Section: | 126855 |
Course Title: | Human Anatomy & Physiology |
Seat Available/Capacity/Waitlist: | 24/24/0 |
Status: | Open |
Instructors: | Bieri R |
Location: | HYBMC |
Credit Hours: | 5 |
Fee: | $333.00 |
Days-Time-Room: | T R 05:00 PM-08:54 PM BTC380 |
Course: | 236 |
Section: | 126856 |
Course Title: | Human Anatomy & Physiology |
Seat Available/Capacity/Waitlist: | 24/24/0 |
Status: | Open |
Instructors: | Jubenville-Lutz T |
Location: | HYBMC |
Credit Hours: | 5 |
Fee: | $333.00 |
Days-Time-Room: | M W 05:00 PM-08:54 PM BTC380 |
Course: | 243 |
Section: | 126832 |
Course Title: | Microbiology |
Seat Available/Capacity/Waitlist: | 28/28/0 |
Status: | Open |
Instructors: | Fruth K |
Location: | HYBMC |
Credit Hours: | 4 |
Fee: | $607.00 |
Days-Time-Room: | M W 08:00 AM-12:54 PM BTC210 |
Course: | 243 |
Section: | 126833 |
Course Title: | Microbiology |
Seat Available/Capacity/Waitlist: | 28/28/0 |
Status: | Open |
Instructors: | Muse W |
Location: | HYBMC |
Credit Hours: | 4 |
Fee: | $607.00 |
Days-Time-Room: | T R 08:00 AM-12:54 PM BTC210 |
Course: | 243 |
Section: | 126852 |
Course Title: | Microbiology |
Seat Available/Capacity/Waitlist: | 28/28/0 |
Status: | Open |
Instructors: | Butkevich N |
Location: | HYBMC |
Credit Hours: | 4 |
Fee: | $607.00 |
Days-Time-Room: | T R 05:00 PM-09:54 PM BTC210 |
Course: | 243 |
Section: | 126853 |
Course Title: | Microbiology |
Seat Available/Capacity/Waitlist: | 28/28/0 |
Status: | Open |
Instructors: | Fruth K |
Location: | HYBMC |
Credit Hours: | 4 |
Fee: | $607.00 |
Days-Time-Room: | M W 05:00 PM-09:54 PM BTC210 |
Course | Section | Course Title | Seat Available/Capacity/WaitlistSeatAvailableCapacityWaitlist | Status | Instructors | Location | Credit Hours | Fee | Days-Time-Room |
101 | 126841 | General Biology | 24/24/0 | Open | Greiner-Hallman H | HYBMC | 4 | $477.00 | M W 01:00 PM-04:54 PM F270 |
101 | 126842 | General Biology | 24/24/0 | Open | Gury M | HYBMC | 4 | $477.00 | T R 01:00 PM-04:54 PM F270 |
236 | 126822 | Human Anatomy & Physiology | 24/24/0 | Open | Gray S | HYBMC | 5 | $333.00 | T R 08:00 AM-11:54 AM BTC380 |
236 | 126824 | Human Anatomy & Physiology | 24/24/0 | Open | Butkevich N | HYBMC | 5 | $333.00 | T R 12:30 PM-04:24 PM BTC380 |
236 | 126825 | Human Anatomy & Physiology | 24/24/0 | Open | Gray S | HYBMC | 5 | $333.00 | M W 08:00 AM-11:54 AM BTC380 |
236 | 126826 | Human Anatomy & Physiology | 24/24/0 | Open | Ismail N | HYBMC | 5 | $333.00 | M W 12:30 PM-04:24 PM BTC380 |
236 | 126855 | Human Anatomy & Physiology | 24/24/0 | Open | Bieri R | HYBMC | 5 | $333.00 | T R 05:00 PM-08:54 PM BTC380 |
236 | 126856 | Human Anatomy & Physiology | 24/24/0 | Open | Jubenville-Lutz T | HYBMC | 5 | $333.00 | M W 05:00 PM-08:54 PM BTC380 |
243 | 126832 | Microbiology | 28/28/0 | Open | Fruth K | HYBMC | 4 | $607.00 | M W 08:00 AM-12:54 PM BTC210 |
243 | 126833 | Microbiology | 28/28/0 | Open | Muse W | HYBMC | 4 | $607.00 | T R 08:00 AM-12:54 PM BTC210 |
243 | 126852 | Microbiology | 28/28/0 | Open | Butkevich N | HYBMC | 4 | $607.00 | T R 05:00 PM-09:54 PM BTC210 |
243 | 126853 | Microbiology | 28/28/0 | Open | Fruth K | HYBMC | 4 | $607.00 | M W 05:00 PM-09:54 PM BTC210 |
Diagnostic Medical Sonography: Spring 2025
No of Weeks: 15
Status and Seats Available as of 03/18/2025, 05:19:56 AM
Begins: Monday, May 5, 2025
Description | Details |
Course: | 230 |
Section: | 127946 |
Course Title: | Sonography Clin 3 |
Seat Available/Capacity/Waitlist: | 20/20/0 |
Status: | Open |
Instructors: | Wilson A |
Location: | HYBMC |
Credit Hours: | 6 |
Fee: | $100.00 |
Days-Time-Room: | T 11:30 AM-02:22 PM HS164 |
Course | Section | Course Title | Seat Available/Capacity/WaitlistSeatAvailableCapacityWaitlist | Status | Instructors | Location | Credit Hours | Fee | Days-Time-Room |
230 | 127946 | Sonography Clin 3 | 20/20/0 | Open | Wilson A | HYBMC | 6 | $100.00 | T 11:30 AM-02:22 PM HS164 |
Health Information Technology: Spring 2025
No of Weeks: 7
Status and Seats Available as of 03/18/2025, 05:19:56 AM
Begins: Monday, May 5, 2025
Description | Details |
Course: | 262 |
Section: | 127842 |
Course Title: | Profess Prac Exp |
Seat Available/Capacity/Waitlist: | 10/10/0 |
Status: | Open |
Instructors: | Chapo P |
Location: | HYBMC |
Credit Hours: | 2 |
Fee: | $25.00 |
Days-Time-Room: | T R 09:00 AM-01:13 PM HS320 |
Course | Section | Course Title | Seat Available/Capacity/WaitlistSeatAvailableCapacityWaitlist | Status | Instructors | Location | Credit Hours | Fee | Days-Time-Room |
262 | 127842 | Profess Prac Exp | 10/10/0 | Open | Chapo P | HYBMC | 2 | $25.00 | T R 09:00 AM-01:13 PM HS320 |
Medical Assisting: Spring 2025
No of Weeks: 7
Status and Seats Available as of 03/18/2025, 05:19:56 AM
Begins: Monday, May 5, 2025
Description | Details |
Course: | 161 |
Section: | 127806 |
Course Title: | Phlebotomy Intern |
Seat Available/Capacity/Waitlist: | 24/24/0 |
Status: | Open |
Instructors: | Bishop S |
Location: | HYBMC |
Credit Hours: | 2 |
Fee: | $25.00 |
Days-Time-Room: | W 01:00 PM-03:07 PM HS100 |
Course: | 196 |
Section: | 127808 |
Course Title: | Office Practicum |
Seat Available/Capacity/Waitlist: | 24/24/0 |
Status: | Open |
Instructors: | Bishop S |
Location: | HYBMC |
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Fee: | $45.00 |
Days-Time-Room: | W 09:00 AM-11:07 AM HS100 |
Course | Section | Course Title | Seat Available/Capacity/WaitlistSeatAvailableCapacityWaitlist | Status | Instructors | Location | Credit Hours | Fee | Days-Time-Room |
161 | 127806 | Phlebotomy Intern | 24/24/0 | Open | Bishop S | HYBMC | 2 | $25.00 | W 01:00 PM-03:07 PM HS100 |
196 | 127808 | Office Practicum | 24/24/0 | Open | Bishop S | HYBMC | 3 | $45.00 | W 09:00 AM-11:07 AM HS100 |
Please note: The fee information displayed does not include all processing fees. For information about tuition and fees, please visit .
Key: Day of the Week
- T = Tuesday
- R = Thursday
- S = Saturday
- X = Sunday
Key: Class Location
- HYBMC = Hybrid Main Campus
- HYBME = Hybrid Manufacturing & Engineering
- HYBPS = Hybrid Public Safety
- SYNC = Synchronous Remote