Diagnostic Medical Sonography: Spring 2025
No of Weeks: 15
Status and Seats Available as of 03/18/2025, 05:19:56 AM
Begins: Monday, May 5, 2025
Description | Details |
Course: | 110 |
Section: | 129411 |
Course Title: | Sono Phys & Instru |
Seat Available/Capacity/Waitlist: | 20/20/0 |
Status: | Open |
Instructors: | Wilson A |
Location: | MC |
Credit Hours: | 4 |
Fee: | $0.00 |
Days-Time-Room: | T 08:00 AM-11:52 AM HS165 |
Course: | 116 |
Section: | 129422 |
Course Title: | Cross-Sect Sonogrph |
Seat Available/Capacity/Waitlist: | 20/20/0 |
Status: | Open |
Instructors: | Warren K |
Location: | MC |
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Fee: | $0.00 |
Days-Time-Room: | R 08:00 AM-10:52 AM HS170 |
Course: | 152 |
Section: | 129433 |
Course Title: | Sonography Lab 1 |
Seat Available/Capacity/Waitlist: | 12/12/0 |
Status: | Open |
Instructors: | Warren K / Wilson A |
Location: | MC |
Credit Hours: | 2 |
Fee: | $408.00 |
Days-Time-Room: | R 11:00 AM-11:54 AM HS170 R 12:00 PM-02:52 PM HS162 |
Course: | 152 |
Section: | 129434 |
Course Title: | Sonography Lab 1 |
Seat Available/Capacity/Waitlist: | 12/12/0 |
Status: | Open |
Instructors: | Warren K / Wilson A |
Location: | MC |
Credit Hours: | 2 |
Fee: | $408.00 |
Days-Time-Room: | R 03:30 PM-04:24 PM HS170 R 04:30 PM-07:22 PM HS162 |
Course | Section | Course Title | Seat Available/Capacity/WaitlistSeatAvailableCapacityWaitlist | Status | Instructors | Location | Credit Hours | Fee | Days-Time-Room |
110 | 129411 | Sono Phys & Instru | 20/20/0 | Open | Wilson A | MC | 4 | $0.00 | T 08:00 AM-11:52 AM HS165 |
116 | 129422 | Cross-Sect Sonogrph | 20/20/0 | Open | Warren K | MC | 3 | $0.00 | R 08:00 AM-10:52 AM HS170 |
152 | 129433 | Sonography Lab 1 | 12/12/0 | Open | Warren K / Wilson A | MC | 2 | $408.00 | R 11:00 AM-11:54 AM HS170 R 12:00 PM-02:52 PM HS162 |
152 | 129434 | Sonography Lab 1 | 12/12/0 | Open | Warren K / Wilson A | MC | 2 | $408.00 | R 03:30 PM-04:24 PM HS170 R 04:30 PM-07:22 PM HS162 |
English: Spring 2025
No of Weeks: 12
Status and Seats Available as of 03/18/2025, 05:19:56 AM
Begins: Monday, May 5, 2025
Description | Details |
Course: | 099 |
Section: | 121311 |
Course Title: | Eng Comp 1 Support |
Seat Available/Capacity/Waitlist: | 14/14/0 |
Status: | Open |
Instructors: | Schell D |
Location: | MC |
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Fee: | $0.00 |
Days-Time-Room: | T R 11:00 AM-12:46 PM LA410 |
Course | Section | Course Title | Seat Available/Capacity/WaitlistSeatAvailableCapacityWaitlist | Status | Instructors | Location | Credit Hours | Fee | Days-Time-Room |
099 | 121311 | Eng Comp 1 Support | 14/14/0 | Open | Schell D | MC | 3 | $0.00 | T R 11:00 AM-12:46 PM LA410 |
Mathematics: Spring 2025
No of Weeks: 12
Status and Seats Available as of 03/18/2025, 05:19:56 AM
Begins: Monday, May 5, 2025
Description | Details |
Course: | 011 |
Section: | 123016 |
Course Title: | App Util Math Sup |
Seat Available/Capacity/Waitlist: | 20/20/0 |
Status: | Open |
Instructors: | Maheshwari N |
Location: | MC |
Credit Hours: | 2 |
Fee: | $0.00 |
Days-Time-Room: | M T W R 11:00 AM-11:34 AM BTC200 |
Course: | 102 |
Section: | 122406 |
Course Title: | Technical Mathematics |
Seat Available/Capacity/Waitlist: | 20/20/0 |
Status: | Open |
Instructors: | Mingela A |
Location: | ONL |
Credit Hours: | 4 |
Fee: | $0.00 |
Days-Time-Room: |
Course | Section | Course Title | Seat Available/Capacity/WaitlistSeatAvailableCapacityWaitlist | Status | Instructors | Location | Credit Hours | Fee | Days-Time-Room |
011 | 123016 | App Util Math Sup | 20/20/0 | Open | Maheshwari N | MC | 2 | $0.00 | M T W R 11:00 AM-11:34 AM BTC200 |
102 | 122406 | Technical Mathematics | 20/20/0 | Open | Mingela A | ONL | 4 | $0.00 |
Supply Chain Management: Spring 2025
No of Weeks: 12
Status and Seats Available as of 03/18/2025, 05:19:56 AM
Begins: Monday, May 5, 2025
Description | Details |
Course: | 220 |
Section: | 128285 |
Course Title: | Supply Chain Purch |
Seat Available/Capacity/Waitlist: | 30/30/0 |
Status: | Open |
Instructors: | Donovan S |
Location: | MC |
Credit Hours: | 3 |
Fee: | $0.00 |
Days-Time-Room: | T 05:30 PM-09:08 PM HS710 |
Course | Section | Course Title | Seat Available/Capacity/WaitlistSeatAvailableCapacityWaitlist | Status | Instructors | Location | Credit Hours | Fee | Days-Time-Room |
220 | 128285 | Supply Chain Purch | 30/30/0 | Open | Donovan S | MC | 3 | $0.00 | T 05:30 PM-09:08 PM HS710 |
Please note: The fee information displayed does not include all processing fees. For information about tuition and fees, please visit https://www.schoolcraft.edu/registration/how-to-register/tuition-and-fees/ .
Key: Day of the Week
- T = Tuesday
- R = Thursday
- S = Saturday
- X = Sunday
Key: Class Location
- HYBMC = Hybrid Main Campus
- HYBME = Hybrid Manufacturing & Engineering
- HYBPS = Hybrid Public Safety
- SYNC = Synchronous Remote