Webliography Resources

Related Links
Atlas of Historical County Boundaries, Michigan
Charles Wright Museum of African American History
Detroit '67 Oral History Project
Detroit Historical Museum
Detroit Historical Society, Collections search
Detroit Historical Society, History Links & Resources
Detroit and Michigan History Resources LibGuide (Schoolcraft College)
Digital Michigan Newspaper Portal (CMU)
Early Detroit Images from the Burton Historical Collection
Encyclopedia of Detroit (Detroit Historical Society)
Evolution of Michigan's Legal Boundaries (from MSU)
Fleetway, Detroit/Windsor Tunnel History
Great Lakes Shipwreck Museum
Historic Places in Detroit (from the National Park Service)
Historical Collections of the Great Lakes
Historical Markers Database, Michigan
Historical Markers Database, Wayne County
Historical Society of Michigan, Links to Research Collections
History of the Edmund Fitzgerald
Lighthouse Heritage (National Park Service) Lighthouses of Michigan & the U.S.
Listing of Past Michigan Governors, with Biographies
Making of Modern Michigan Collection
Marine Historical Society of Detroit
Maritime History of the Great Lakes
Michigan County Histories
Michigan Fun, Festival, Special Events Search
Michigan Historic Markers, Map
Michigan History Center
Michigan Local Town Histories eBook Collection (Read Michigan)
Michigan National Historic Landmarks
Michigan Oral History Association, Oral History Resources
Michigan Shipwrecks StoryMap
Michigan's History, Michigan Material Statewide (CMU)
Read Michigan (Collection of 600+ eBooks)
Read Michigan, Browse by Category (Collection of 600+ eBooks)
The Henry Ford, Search Digital Collections
Timeline of Detroit
UP North Trails
Wayne State University Libraries Digital Collections

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